CHAP. 27. (24.)—THE NORICI.
In the rear of the Carni and the Iapydes, along the course
of the great river Ister[1], the Rhæti touch upon the Norici[2]:
their towns are Virunum[3], Celeia, Teurnia,
Aguntum[4], Vianiomina[5], Claudia[6], and
Flavium Solvense[7]. Adjoining to the Norici is Lake
Peiso[8], and the deserts of
the Boii[9]; they are however now inhabited by the people
of Sabaria[10], a colony of the now deified emperor Claudius,
and the town of Scarabantia Julia[11].
1. The Donau or Danube.
2. Noricum corresponded to the greater part of the present Styria and
Carinthia, and a part of Austria, Bavaria, and Salzburg.
3. According to D'Anville the modern Wolk-Markt, on the river
Drau or Drave. Celeia is the modern Cilley in Carniola. Teurnia,
according to Mannert, is the Lurnfelde, near the small town of Spital.
4. According to Mannert it was situate near the modern town of
Innichen, near the sources of the Drave.
5. Supposed to be the same as the Vindobona or Vindomona of
other authors, standing on the site of the modern city of Vienna.
6. According to Cluver, it stood on the site of the modern Clausen in
7. Mannert says that this place was the same with the modern Solfeld,
near Klagenfurt.
8. D'Anville and other writers think that this is the Neusiedler See, not
far from Vienna. Mannert, however, is of opinion that the name ought
to be written Pelso, and that the modern Balaton or Platten See is meant.
9. The mountainous and woody tract in the vicinity of the Lake
Balaton, on the confines of ancient Noricum and Pannonia.
10. Now Sarvar on the river Raab, on the confines of Austria and
11. According to Hardouin, the modern Sopron or Œdenburg.